General Terms and Condition the NBT Book Fairs

1. Participation in the Fair is open only to publishers, booksellers, book distributors and  dealers/manufacturers of teaching aids/CD-ROMs. 
2. The organizer reserves the right to alter the dimensions of the stands/stalls without assigning any reason thereof and its decision shall be final and binding on the participants. 
3. Booking of Stands/Stalls: Booking of stands/stalls will be made on receipt of the prescribed application form, duly completed, together with a bank draft towards full payment of the stand/stall rent in favor of “National Book Trust, India” payable at New Delhi, on or before the last date. For rent please check participation form & notice of the concerned Book Fair. 

4. In case of booking of stalls, organizer shall provide duly constructed stall with octonom system having provision for display of books. Once the booking of the stall is done, no participant will be allowed to withdraw its name. 

5. The application, on being accepted by the organizer, will be considered as an agreement (under the accepted terms) between the participant and the organizer subject to availability of space. 

6. Applications received after the last date may be considered subject to availability of space and on a first-come-first-served basis, according to the waiting list. 

7. Use of polythene is prohibited. As such, all participants shall observe this strictly. 8. Applicants may indicate if they would like their stalls to be placed adjacent to the stall of any other participant. If so, the consent of the other participants in writing will also be required and should be 
submitted with application form. Efforts shall be made to provide stalls adjacent as per request, wherever possible. 

9. Electrical Fittings: Maximum 6 spotlights or 6 CFL or 3 tube lights and one electric point to run computer at a stall of 3mx3m will be provided. For use of additional electrical/electronic fittings and equipments payment of consumption charges will have to be made by the participant at the rate decided by organizer. 

10. Possession and Vacation: Participants will be given possession of the stands/stalls at 4PM one day before the exhibition start. The participant shall, moreover, be obligated not to vacate his/her exhibition space in full, prior to the end of the breakdown period that is on the last day of the Fair. Participants will have to vacate the stall on the last day of the Book Fair by evening or by next morning. 

11. It shall be the responsibility of the participants to remove all exhibits, tools and other materials at the end of the Fair and leave the stalls in the same condition in which they were allotted to them. In case any panels, racks, tables or any other item provided is found to be broken/not further useable or missing, then cost of those items has to be paid by the respective participant. 

12. Encroachment of Passages: No encroachment or extension in the passages shall be allowed. Participants are, therefore, advised to arrange the display within the space allotted to them. 

13. Cleaning: While the organizer will carry out general cleaning, the participants shall be responsible for the cleanliness and tidiness of the stalls at all times during the period of the Fair. 

14. Display of Banners, Posters, etc.: While there will be no restriction on putting up relevant banners, posters, etc., on or within a stall, nothing will be allowed to be displayed outside the stall. 15. Sale and Display of Books: Sale of books and other reading materials will be permitted on the following conditions: 
i) A uniform discount of 10% shall be allowed on the printed price; 
ii) Hawking and sale of books at specially reduced prices shall be prohibited; 
iii) Sale of stationery, toys, greeting cards, posters and any other item which cannot be  classified as books will not be permitted in the Fair; and 
iv) No book or material forbidden by the law, including the violation of copyright act, shall be displayed or sold. However, participant solely shall be responsible for any violation in this regard and the organizer shall not be liable for such violation. The participant shall indemnify the organizer from and against all proceedings and expense whatsoever in consequence of any such violation. 

16. Playing Audio/Video Cassettes: Participants playing audio or video cassettes at the stalls should ensure that the decibel level of sound does not cause any annoyance to either the neighboring participants or to the visitors. The organizer will be the sole judge to decide whether there is any annoyance to either other participants or to the visiting public and can prohibit such participants to play 
such audio/video. 

17. Insurance Coverage : The individual exhibitor shall bear sole responsibility to insure his/her own furniture and exhibits against damage incurred due to burglary, riots, strikes, theft, fire and water damage, and against damage incurred in transit to and from the Fair. There is no collective insurance policy. Possession of the stands/stalls shall be given on production of evidence of insurance. It is the exclusive and absolute responsibility of the participant(s) to insure their exhibits as well as their own and hired stand equipments and stock against break-in, theft and damage by fire and other natural calamities during the duration of the Fair. The organizer shall not be liable to pay any damages for the loss incurred due to any reason including natural calamities. The organizer shall be entitled, but not obliged, to inspect such policy before handing over possession of the stands/stalls. In the event of a claim against the organizer, the participants(s) shall indemnify the organizer. 

18. Security: While the organizer will provide round the clock security arrangement at all the halls during the Fair, the organizer would not be liable for the loss or damage to the goods and property of the participants. They are advised not to leave their stalls unattended during the Fair Timings. No goods or displays may be removed during the Fair without the written permission of the organizer. 

19. Entry: Every day during the Book Fair Participants will be allowed to enter the halls half an hour before the visitor’s time and shall have to vacate the halls latest by half an hour after the visitors timing. Visitors timing is always according to the venue of the book fair and will be mentioned in the participation form. 

20. Cancellation: In the event of a natural disaster or if circumstances so warrant, the organizer reserves the right to postpone, alter or cancel the Fair. In case the Fair is cancelled before the inauguration, rentals collected shall be refunded at the earliest possible after making the necessary deductions as decided by organizer. 
21. Once the booking of the stall is made by the participant, same cannot be canceled or altered by the participant. No refund of rental shall be made or adjusted against any other forthcoming fair under any circumstances. 

22. Jurisdiction: Any dispute or claim arising out of the participation in the Fair shall be subject to theexclusive jurisdiction of the Delhi Courts. Any of the terms and conditions mentioned above may be relaxed or modified at the discretion of the Competent Authority of NBT, India whose decision will be final and binding.